Trackless / Fixed Sidelite – Manual Sliding Door

Sliding Doors

Trackless / Fixed Sidelite – Manual Sliding Door

The GT2125 Manual Sliding Door is a trackless-style unit that offers a fixed sidelite configuration where only the moving door panel(s) break out. The system is available in two, three, four, and six panels, allowing users to stack the panels to one side to maximize full opening access for ease of patient transport. When in the closed position, the doors provide an unobstructed view to enable an immediate response during an emergency.


  • Tested and rated for air and smoke infiltration by an independent test lab as outlined by UL and NFPA
  • Operate as sliding doors with the option for full breakout using a swing panel or partial breakout using a fixed panel
  • GT 2125 is trackless, features fixed sidelights, partial breakout
  • All are available in two, three and four panel door packages with telescoping units available in three and six-panel door packages
Trackless / Fixed Sidelite – Manual Sliding Door dipasang di perumahan, apartemen, sekolah-sekolah, mall, supermarket, area permainan/wahana, pergudangan dan kawasan industri lainnya. Konsultasi dan produk, langsung hubungi kami sekarang juga.
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